
*new( object, layout)

convenient buttons for common utilities:

play, record, stop, tempo etc.

each method adds another button.

This may be used on its own and it is also a component used in AbstractPlayerGui for all Players.

An easy way to use it:


Sheet({ arg f;

SynthConsole({ arg synth;,0,0.3) 

},f) // if no layout provided it will create one




.record("SoundFiles/testy.aiff") // sets defaultPath for the prompt dialog

.write(20) // 20 seconds

.pauseableRecord // |,|  toggle recording on and off while you play



.tempo // gui the default Tempo 



certain controls are not yet enabled in sc3, so the button will not appear.

note:  the play button sends the .play message to your object.

see also [FunctionPlayer]

SynthConsole sends notifications that you can register to recieve through NotificationCenter:


// do something like

true.tabletTracking; // turn back on the wacom mouse



arg path; // path is passed in with the notification

savedTo = path;
