
Superclass: Object

crucial dependencies: PageLayout

*new( layout, title, function )

if layout is nil, a new PageLayout will be created.

the size of the button will scale to that of the string


ActionButton(nil,"hit me",{ 

"yeah baby".postln 




//   bigger title... bigger button

ActionButton(nil,"hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me ",{ 

"yeah baby".postln 




// set minimum sizes for x and y

// longer text will still cause it to expand

ActionButton(nil,"hit me",{ 

"yeah baby".postln 



// accepting drags by setting the view.receiveDrag handler

the list view by default gives an integer when dragging from it.

here i am making the action button accept dragged integers.


Sheet({ arg f;

a = SCListView(f,100@100);

a.items = ["a","b","c"];

b = ActionButton(f,"i accept integers",{ 

"was hit".postln 


b.view.canReceiveDragHandler = { SCView.currentDrag.isNumber };

b.view.receiveDragHandler = { 

a.items[ SCView.currentDrag.asInteger ].postln; 




here the list view is made to export a string when dragged from.

the action button is accepting strings dragged to it.


Sheet({ arg f;

a = SCListView(f,100@100);

a.items = ["a","b","c"];

a.beginDragAction = { arg listView;

listView.items[ listView.value ].debug("begin dragging");


b = ActionButton(f,"i accept strings",{ 

"butt hit".postln 


b.view.canReceiveDrag = { SCView.currentDrag.isString };

b.view.receiveDrag = { 



