Klang sine oscillator bank

Klang.ar(specificationsArrayRef, freqScale, freqOffset)

Klang is a bank of fixed frequency sine oscillators. Klang is more efficient than creating individual oscillators but offers less flexibility.

specificationsArrayRef - a Ref to an Array of three Arrays :

frequencies - an Array of filter frequencies.

amplitudes - an Array of filter amplitudes, or nil. If nil, then amplitudes default to 1.0

phases - an Array of initial phases, or nil. If nil, then phases default to 0.0

freqScale - a scale factor multiplied by all frequencies at initialization time.

freqOffset - an offset added to all frequencies at initialization time.

play({ Klang.ar(`[ [800, 1000, 1200],[0.3, 0.3, 0.3],[pi,pi,pi]], 1, 0) * 0.4});

play({ Klang.ar(`[ [800, 1000, 1200], nil, nil], 1, 0) * 0.25});

play({ Klang.ar(`[ Array.rand(12, 600.0, 1000.0), nil, nil ], 1, 0) * 0.05 });







Pan2.ar(Klang.ar(`[ Array.rand(12, 200.0, 2000.0), nil, nil ], 1, 0), 1.0.rand) 

* EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(4), 1, 0.02, doneAction: 2);




