PV_RectComb make gaps in spectrum

PV_RectComb.ar(buffer, numTeeth,  phase,  width)

Makes a series of gaps in a spectrum. 

buffer - fft buffer.

numTeeth - number of teeth in the comb.

phase - starting phase of comb pulse.

width - pulse width of comb.


b = Buffer.alloc(s,2048,1);


SynthDef("help-rectcomb", { arg out=0, bufnum=0;

var in, chain;

in = {WhiteNoise.ar(0.2)}.dup;

chain = FFT(bufnum, in);

chain = PV_RectComb(chain, 8, LFTri.kr(0.097, 0, 0.4, 0.5), 

LFTri.kr(0.24, 0, -0.5, 0.5)); 

Out.ar(out, IFFT(chain).dup);

}).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]);



SynthDef("help-rectcomb2", { arg out=0, bufnum=0;

var in, chain;

in = {WhiteNoise.ar(0.2)}.dup;

chain = FFT(bufnum, in);

chain = PV_RectComb(chain,  MouseX.kr(0, 32), MouseY.kr, 0.2); 

Out.ar(out, IFFT(chain).dup);

}).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]);
