EnvGen envelope generator

superclass: UGen

Plays back break point envelopes. The envelopes are instances of the Env class. See the [Env] for more info. The arguments for levelScale, levelBias, and timeScale are polled when the EnvGen is triggered and remain constant for the duration of the envelope.

*ar(envelope, gate, levelScale, levelBias, timeScale, doneAction)

*kr(envelope, gate, levelScale, levelBias, timeScale, doneAction)

envelope - an instance of Env, or an Array of Controls. (See [Control] and the example below for how to use this.)

gate - this triggers the envelope and holds it open while > 0. If the Env is fixed-length (e.g. Env.linen, Env.perc), the gate argument is used as a simple trigger. If it is an sustaining envelope (e.g. Env.adsr, Env.asr), the envelope is held open until the gate becomes 0, at which point is released.

levelScale - scales the levels of the breakpoints.

levelBias - offsets the levels of the breakpoints.

timeScale - scales the durations of the segments.

doneAction - an integer representing an action to be executed when the env is finished playing. This can be used to free the enclosing synth, etc. See [UGen-doneActions] for more detail.

{ EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, 1.0, doneAction: 2) * SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1) }.play;

// example


SynthDef("env-help", { arg out, gate; 

var z;

z =  EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr,gate) * SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1);

Out.ar(out, z)



s.sendMsg("/s_new", "env-help", 1980); // start a synth (silently, as gate defaults to 0)

// turn on

s.sendMsg("/n_set", 1980, \gate, 1);

// turn off

s.sendMsg("/n_set", 1980, \gate, 0);

// it does not matter to what value the gate is set, as long as it is > 0

s.sendMsg("/n_set", 1980, \gate, 2);

s.sendMsg("/n_free", 1980);

Changing an Env while playing


SynthDef("env", { arg i_outbus=0;

var env, envctl;

// make a dummy 8 segment envelope

env = Env.newClear(8);

// create a control argument array

envctl = Control.names([\env]).kr( env.asArray );

ReplaceOut.kr(i_outbus, EnvGen.kr(envctl, doneAction: 2));




SynthDef("sine", {

Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(In.kr(0), 0, 0.2));



s.sendMsg(\c_set, 0, 800);

s.sendMsg(\s_new, \sine, 1001, 1, 0);

e = Env([700,900,900,800], [1,1,1]*0.4, \exp).asArray;

s.sendBundle(nil,[\s_new, \env, 1002, 2, 1001],[\n_setn, 1002, \env, e.size] ++ e);

f = Env([1000,1000,800,1000,900,1000], [1,1,1,1,1]*0.3, \step).asArray;

s.sendBundle(nil,[\s_new, \env, 1003, 2, 1001],[\n_setn, 1003, \env, f.size] ++ f);

s.sendMsg(\n_free, 1001);

Forced release of the EnvGen

If the gate of an EnvGen is set to -1 or below, then the envelope will cutoff immediately. The time for it to cutoff is the amount less than -1, with -1 being as fast as possible, -1.5 being a cutoff in 0.5 seconds, etc. The cutoff shape is linear.


SynthDef("stealMe", { arg gate = 1;

Out.ar(0, {BrownNoise.ar}.dup * EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, gate, doneAction:2))



s.sendMsg(\s_new, \stealMe, 1001, 1, 0);

s.sendMsg(\n_set, 1001, \gate, -1.1); // cutoff in 0.1 seconds

If the synthDef has an arg named "gate", the convienience method of Node can be used:


d = { arg gate=1; {BrownNoise.ar}.dup * EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, gate, doneAction:2) }.play;


Fast triggering tests




Env.new([ 0.001, 1, 0.5, 0 ], [ 0.01, 0.3, 1 ], -4, 2, nil),


) * SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1)






Env.perc( 0.1, 0.0, 0.5, 1, \welch ),


timeScale: 0.1

) * SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.3)



Modulating the levelScale

no,it doesn't take a ugen in




Env.asr( 0.1, 1.0, 0.5, \welch ),



timeScale: 0.1

) * SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.3)



an .ir rate input, a float or an ir rate ugen like Rand would work




Env.asr( 0.1, 1.0, 0.5, \welch ),



timeScale: 0.1

) * SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.3)

