Short Overview of Server Commands

see also [Server-Command-Reference]

Server Commands


/notify  flag


/cmd name args ...

/dumpOSC [0: off 1: on 2: hex 3: both]

/d_recv bytes [complBytes]

/d_load path [complBytes]

/d_loadDir path [complBytes]

/d_free defName ... 


/n_free nodeID ...

/n_run | nodeID flag | ... 

/n_set nodeID  | control value | ...

/n_setn nodeID | control numCtl values.. | ...

/n_fill nodeID | control numCtl value | ...

/n_map  nodeID | control busIndex | ...

/n_mapn nodeID | control busIndex numCtl | ...

/n_before | movedNodeID targetNodeID | ...

/n_after | movedNodeID targetNodeID | ...

/n_query nodeID ...

/n_trace nodeID ...


0 add to head

1 add to tail

2 add before

3 add after

4 replace

alternative syntax for "nodeID"

positionArg | nodeID

"h" - head of the current group

"t" - tail of the current group

"u" - up. the parent of the current node.

"p" - the previous node.

"n" - the next node.


/s_new defName nodeID addAction targetNodeID | control value | ...

/s_get nodeID control ...

/s_getn nodeID | control numControls | ...

/s_noid nodeID ...


/g_new nodeID addAction targetNodeID

/g_head | groupID nodeID | ...

/g_tail | groupID nodeID | ...

/g_freeAll groupID ...

/g_deepFree groupID ...


/u_cmd nodeID ugenIndex string arg ...


/b_alloc bufnum numFrames numChannels [complBytes]

/b_allocRead bufnum path startFrame numFrames [complBytes]

/b_read bufnum path startFrameFile numFrames startFrameBuf numChannels leaveOpen [complBytes]

/b_write bufnum path headerFormat sampleFormat numFrames startFrameBuf leaveOpen [complBytes] 

/b_free bufnum  [complBytes]

/b_zero bufnum  [complBytes]

/b_set bufnum | index value | ...

/b_setn bufnum | startIndex numSamples values .. | ...

/b_fill bufnum | startIndex numSamples value | ...

/b_gen  bufnum command args ...

/b_close  bufnum

/b_query  bufnum ...  (returns /b_info message: /b_info bufnum numFrames numChannels sampleRate)

/b_get bufnum sampleIndex ... (returns corresponding b_set message)

/b_getn bufnum startIndex numFrames (returns corresponding b_setn message)

Control Bus:

/c_set | index value | ...

/c_setn | startIndex num values .. | ...

/c_fill | startIndex num value | ... 

/c_get  index ... (returns corresponding c_set message)

/c_getn | startIndex num | ... (returns corresponding c_setn message)


/done commandName

/fail commandName errorMsg

/late timeStamp-hiBits timeStamp-loBits execTime-hiBits execTime-loBits


all notifications have the same format:

cmd nodeID parentNodeID prevNodeID nextNodeID synthFlag (-1:group 0 synth) headNodeID tailNodeID

/n_go /n_end /n_on /n_off /n_move /n_info

Trigger Notifications:

/tr nodeID triggerID value

Buffer Fill Commands:


1: normalize

2: wavetable

4: clear and then write

sine1 flag partialAmp ...

sine2 flag | partialFreq partialAmp |

sine3 flag | partialFreq partialAmp partialPhase |

cheby flag | amp |

copy posDest bufNumSrc posSrc numFrames



0 (false) 

1 (true)


an osc message to evaluate after completion (array): this also means command is asynchronous


index or name

-1 is the equivalent of nil

'nothing' is replaced by 0


cmd_none = 0,

cmd_notify = 1,

cmd_status = 2,

cmd_quit = 3,

cmd_cmd = 4,

cmd_d_recv = 5,

cmd_d_load = 6,

cmd_d_loadDir = 7,

cmd_d_freeAll = 8,

cmd_s_new = 9,

cmd_n_trace = 10,

cmd_n_free = 11,

cmd_n_run = 12,

cmd_n_cmd = 13,

cmd_n_map = 14,

cmd_n_set = 15,

cmd_n_setn = 16,

cmd_n_fill = 17,

cmd_n_before = 18,

cmd_n_after = 19,

cmd_u_cmd = 20,

cmd_g_new = 21,

cmd_g_head = 22,

cmd_g_tail = 23,

cmd_g_freeAll = 24,

cmd_c_set = 25,

cmd_c_setn = 26,

cmd_c_fill = 27,

cmd_b_alloc = 28,

cmd_b_allocRead = 29,

cmd_b_read = 30,

cmd_b_write = 31,

cmd_b_free = 32,

cmd_b_close = 33,

cmd_b_zero = 34,

cmd_b_set = 35,

cmd_b_setn = 36,

cmd_b_fill = 37,

cmd_b_gen = 38,

cmd_dumpOSC = 39,

cmd_c_get = 40,

cmd_c_getn = 41,

cmd_b_get = 42,

cmd_b_getn = 43,

cmd_s_get = 44,

cmd_s_getn = 45,

cmd_n_query = 46,

cmd_b_query = 47,

cmd_n_mapn = 48,

cmd_s_noid = 49,

cmd_g_deepFree = 50,

cmd_clearSched = 51,

cmd_sync = 52,

cmd_d_free = 53,