SynthDesc description of a synth definition

contains information about a SynthDef, such as its name, its control names and default values.

also information is provided of its outputs and inputs and whether it has a gate control.

*read(path, keepDefs, dict)

adds all synthDescs in a path to a dict 

SynthDescs are created by SynthDescLib, by reading a compiled synth def file."synthdefs/default.scsyndef");\default)

name returns the name of the SynthDef

controlNames returns an array of instances of ControlName, each of which 

have the following fields: name, index, rate, defaultValue\default).controlNames.postln;

hasGate is true if the Synthdef has a gate input

msgFunc the function which is used to create an array of arguments for

playing a synth def in patterns\default).msgFunc.postcs;

SynthDescs are needed by the event stream system, so when using Pbind and NotePlayer,

the instruments' default parameters are derived from the SynthDesc. also creates a synthDesc in the global library:


SynthDef("test", { arg out, freq, xFade;, xFade, 


);; // browse the properties of SynthDescs