
SuperCollider has a built-in help system. To see the main help page, press cmd-shift-? (without first selecting anything). From that page, double-click on topics which you'd like to see a help file and press cmd-shift-?. Another useful document is More-On-Getting-Help.

In general, there are help files for classes (capitalized words, such as SinOsc, Array, Nil, etc.). Select the name of a class and press cmd-shift-?. A help file, if one exists, will open.


To see every SuperCollider helpfile




To see all unit generators helpfiles


Help("Help/UGens").dumpToDoc("SuperCollider UGens (Unit Generators)")

Each line of text in the document that appears contains a word to which is appended the suffix ".help". Double-click any of the words to select them and press cmd-shift-? to open the corresponding help file. Omit the ".help" appended to the word when double-clicking


Class definitions, message implementations, and the Find command

To see source code for class definitions, select the name of a class and type cmd-j

To see how a class or classes implement a particular message, select the message name and press cmd-y.

Use the Find and Find Next commands, available through the Edit menu, to search for text in the frontmost document



Use grep in the Terminal (in the Applications->Utilities folder) to search for all occurences of a given word or phrase. For example, to see all documents that use the LFSaw class, evaluate (in the Terminal application)

grep -r LFSaw /Applications/SuperCollider_f

Because lines in the terminal application break according to the size of the window and not through schemes that enhance readability, it may be easier to write grep results to a file, as in

// change the name of the path (the argument after the '>' sign, as appropriate

grep -r LFSaw /Applications/SuperCollider_f/ > /Users/yourHomeDirectory/Desktop/grep_results


Additional sources

The SuperCollider wiki:

The SuperCollider users mailing list archive:

The SuperCollider user or developer lists (or both).

David Cottle wrote an extensive SC2 tutorial which he is now updating for SC3.

An introductory course by Nick Collins and Fredrik Olofsson:

The pseudonym tutorial:

The MAT tutorial (UC-Santa Barbara) tutorial:
