History keeps a history of interpreted lines of code

History keeps track of all code lines that are being executed, in order to forward them to other players, to easily reuse earlier versions, or to store and reproduce a performance. Since it records everything that is interpreted, there is only one instance of History.

(adc 2006)

*start / *stop start/stop adding interpreted code to history

*clear remove all items from history

*enter(obj) add an entry by hand

*document post the history in a new document

*drop(n) drop the newest n lines from history. if n is negative, drop the oldest n lines

*keep(n) keep only the newest n lines from history. if n is negative, keep the oldest n lines

*saveCS(path, forward)

store the history as one compileString

*saveStory(path) store in a file, in historical order as individual code snippets

// example


a = { |freq=440| SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.2) }.play;

a.set(\freq, 450);


History.document; // create a document with all the changes

History.makeWin; // gui window

History.stop; // stop collecting

// removing and adding lines

History.enter("2 + 2"); // make a simple entry by hand.

History.drop(-1); // drop the oldest memory

History.drop(1); // drop the newest memory

// more examples


1 + 2; // code line gets stored

(nil + 2).postln; // error lines  are ignored  

// comment-only is kept, empty lines not:

s.boot; // do some things

p = ProxySpace.push;


~test = { Blip.ar(50 * [1, 1.02], 8) * 0.1 };



~test = { Blip.ar(LFNoise1.kr(3 ! 2, 200, 500), 4) * 0.1 };

~test = { Blip.ar(LFNoise1.kr(3 ! 2, 200, 500), LFNoise1.kr(5 ! 2, 5, 8)) * 0.1 };





History.removeAt(0); // clear last line

History.removeAt((0..3)); // clear last 4 lines

History.postDoc(0); // post most recent line

History.postDoc(4); // go back 4 lines

History.keep(4); // keep newest 4


History.saveCS; // save as compilestring for reloading.

History.saveCS("~/Desktop/testHist.txt", forward: true);

// save with special name, in forward time order.

History.saveStory; // write all to file in historical order

History.saveStory("~/Desktop/myTest.sc"); // ... with given filename. 

History.clear; // start over with a clean slate.

// To Do:

// History Reloaded - from a saved file:

// History.loadCS("~/Desktop/testHist.sc");

// auto-save by appending to a file ... 

// History.autoSave_(true); 

//  save as one runnable task/script.

// History.saveScript; 

// History.saveScript("~/Desktop/histScript.sc"); // with given filename.