OSCresponder client side network responder

Register a function to be called upon receiving a specific command from a specific OSC address.

Examples: see [OSCresponderNode]



the address the responder receives from (an instance of NetAddr, e.g. Server.default.addr)

an address of nil will respond to messages from anywhere.


an OSC command eg. '/done'


a function that will be evaluated when a cmd of that name is received from addr.

arguments: time, theResponder, message, addr

note that OSCresponder evaluates its function in the system process.

in order to access the application process (e.g. for GUI access ) use { ... }.defer;


A single OSCresponder may be set up for each addr and cmdName combination.  

Subsequent registrations will overwrite previous ones.  See [OSCresponderNode].

Whenever an OSC message is sent to the SuperCollider application (the language, not the server), either Main-recvOSCmessage or Main-recvOSCbundle is called.  There, the messages are forwarded to the OSCresponder class using the OSCresponder-respond class method.  


add this responder instance to the list of active responders.  

The OSCresponder is not active until this is done.


remove and deactivate the OSCresponder


remove and deactivate the OSCresponder when action is done.




add the responder instance 


remove the responder instance 


remove all OSCresponders for that addr.